Illegal gambling

How does Radio Javan transmit illegal black money of gambling to the United States?

Simultaneous with the spread of the Internet in Iran, we are witnessing a significant increase in cybercrime in this country. A combination of Iran’s banking network’s weakness, corrupt managers, mafia, informal networks of exchange offices, and the ineffective struggle of the police and judiciary allow criminals to begin earning millions of dollars by starting illegal and cover businesses and boom money laundering and corruption in that country.

One of the problems that the Iranian people are currently facing is illegal gambling and betting sites. Which are not registered in any country and are not monitored by any institution or organization; the operators of these sites are mainly in Turkey, Britain, and Armenia who are aware of the weak supervision of the banking network and the lack of access to and pursuit of the Iranian judicial police. By launching these sites, they contribute to the cycle of corruption and money laundering in Iran.

These sites are advertised on Instagram, Telegram, and satellite TVs around the clock and receive real money in Rials from their users. Using the Iranian payment network, the payment network of these sites mainly operates with rental accounts or illegal payment gateways. Finally, the money is transferred to the network of exchange offices and primarily to the destination countries in cryptocurrencies. Due to the illegality of the gambling industry in Iran, these sites pave the way for money to leave the country by paying bribes to Iranian bank managers and police. Turkey has been dealing with these network members for some time, and Milad Hatami was arrested in the latest action and returned to Iran.

Radio Javan

Surprisingly, one of the promoters of gambling and money laundering network is an American company called Radio Javan has been operating for several years by broadcasting illegal gambling website advertisements and receiving sponsorship from this network secretively away from US government monitoring apparatus.

Radio Javan Inc is a US registered company with the official number 06536197 and therefore must comply with the specific laws of the US government; But considering the Persian activity of this network, it seems that it has been away from the eyes of the US monitoring apparatus.

Radio Javan has been the advertising arm of this corrupt network for some time, in the latest sample of this type advertising was the blatant clip of Sasi Mankan in collaboration with Radio Javan and the illegal gambling and money laundering website of River Poker.


Radio Javan also promotes Shark Bet‘s illegal gambling and betting website, which is not registered in any country.



Video of the illegal Rial payment gateway of Shark Bet gambling and betting site



In the video below, you can see that Radio Javan Network is promoting the illegal financial network of Parsigram gambling, which is specifically designed to pay for the network of gambling sites and bypass the official payment network of Iran.



But the important question is how this company registered in the United States can transfer money from the illegal gambling and money laundering network from Turkey to the United States in the conditions of sanctions imposed on the Iranian banking network by the United States, and why there is no monitoring of the company’s activities.

Update: Connection Between Radio Javan and the Iranian Judiciary

On November 4, 2022, the official email system of the Iranian Judiciary, with the domain, was hacked. The leaked emails were made publicly available on several websites, including this archive on tehran.ioarchive. These leaked documents revealed extensive correspondence involving various entities, including a notable email from Pouyan Torabi, the owner of Radio Javan, addressed to the Iranian Judiciary.

Upon reviewing these leaked emails, it became evident that Radio Javan sought to establish communication with the Iranian Judiciary to address the frequent blocking of its website and app in Iran. Here are the key findings from the emails:

  1. Radio Javan’s Complaint About Censorship: In the email, Pouyan Torabi expressed frustration over the repeated filtering of the Radio Javan platform in Iran, claiming that it affected their large audience base within the country.
  2. Rejection of External Offers: Torabi stated that despite receiving multiple offers from international VPN providers and even foreign governments to bypass Iranian censorship, Radio Javan had rejected such proposals. He emphasized their intention to remain “independent” and operate “within the legal framework of Iran.”
  3. Request for Negotiation: The email revealed that Radio Javan was actively seeking a direct line of communication with decision-makers in the Iranian Judiciary to resolve the filtering issue. Torabi warned that without a resolution, they might consider alternative approaches that were not aligned with their initial goals.

This revelation raises significant questions about the relationship between Radio Javan, a U.S.-registered company, and the Iranian Judiciary, especially in the context of promoting illegal gambling sites and money laundering networks targeting Iranian users. The communication suggests a level of willingness to collaborate with Iranian authorities, despite the platform’s involvement in activities that may violate U.S. laws.

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  1. جناب جرجندى،
    چرا ديگه فساد راديو جوان رو بررسى و اعلام نكرديد؟

    اينا دارن خيلى كاراى كثيفى ميكنن

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