
Farzin Fardin Fard who has 3fmusic identity is unique finance fraudster, not a crypto activist!

With the advent of global trading networks, fraudsters did not sit around, and a fraudulent form of network marketing took place around the world called the pyramid scheme. A pyramid scheme is a network marketing scam in which a person or group makes a lot of money by measuring the appearance of a plan by harming hundreds or thousands of recruited members. In pyramid schemes, only cash is transferred, and the goods or services provided are not foreign existence or are sham. Fraudsters use fraudulent methods to promise members income that is based on attracting members and expanding the human network, not an income from a genuinely productive economic activity! There have been many pyramid scams in the last two decades, most of which have used the idea of ​​investing in stock markets to deceive members. But why invest in the stock market? The answer is clear because a) The fraudster can easily forge a worthless piece of paper and introduce it as real securities. B) Public awareness of investing in financial markets is limited, and this is a golden opportunity for fraudsters to pursue their goals by talking about it.

Unique Finance is the name of one of the largest pyramid schemes in recent years in the Middle East. In addition to Iran, it extends its criminal activities to underdeveloped countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, and Uzbekistan. Of course, the activity of this pyramid network has expanded in Turkey as well, and the wave of those deceived and the losers of the unique finance pyramid scheme is increasing every day. Founders of Unique Finance with Iranian nationality; Has a long history of bankrupting old Ponzi plans such as Uni funds, Quint,… And have cleverly used their past experiences in Unique Finance to present themselves in every way as a world-renowned company in the stock exchange and stock market field.

The founder of Unique Finance is Farzin Fardin Fard, an Iranian national who lives in the UAE and the cover of his music studio in Dubai; He is in charge of staging the organization. Other people, including Mohsen Derakhshan; Nima Tabari Fard; Mojtaba Goran Jalali (Cyrus Gran), also advance criminal goals; and have helped Fardin. Mohsen Derakhshan, who is known as the main branch of the reason for the existence of the losers inside Iran, has introduced a kind of pyramid scheme of Unique Finance to Iran. He was recently tried in a public court for fraud and public disruption of the economic system. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison, fined $ 60 million, and fined heavily. Unique Finance has been identified and registered as a fraudulent pyramid scheme by the supervisory and judicial bodies of Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The heads of the Unique Finance organization are being prosecuted.

The management of Ewink Finance has made claims to advance its fraudulent goals. In this article, we try to verify the claims of Unique Finance fraudsters:

Is Unique Finance a Swiss company? According to the fraudsters, yes… but not in reality!!!

The claim that proponents and founders of Unique Finance have always insisted on in the news channels is that we are dealing with a world-renowned company headquartered in Switzerland and Zurich. They claim that the company’s chairman and board of directors are present at the headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland, and run the company. But just a simple question from the Swiss Financial Markets Authority (FINMA) reveals that this claim by the heads of Unique Finance is a lie. FINMA announces that: Unique Finance is on the Swiss investment alert list. There is no such company in Switzerland. It does not have an official office in this country, and there is no office at the address announced on the Unique Finance website in Zurich. According to an official inquiry from the Swiss financial market watchdog, a company called Unique Finance was dissolved in 2017 and no longer exists abroad. Fraudsters use the name of a liquidated company to cover up their fraudulent activities. The creators of Unique Finance say that the reason for the announcement of FINMA about Unique Finance is tax issues. FINMA’s response to this claim is intriguing: A company that does not exist in Switzerland cannot have a tax problem here !!!


Is Unique Finance licensed to operate internationally? According to the fraudsters, yes… but not in reality!!!

The International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) is an international institution that brings together the world securities regulator and is recognized as the regulator of the global standard for the securities sector. IOSCO develops, implements, and promotes adherence to internationally recognized standards for regulating securities. The group works closely with the G20 and the Financial Stability Board (FSB) on the global regulatory reform agenda. It is the Interpol police of the world’s financial institutions. It recognizes FINMA reports (the Swiss financial market watchdog) as the regulator of Switzerland. In the IOSCO alert list, the name Unique Finance appears… Unique Finance has been published in the IOSCO Investment Alert List since July 2017. According to this international organization, Unique Finance has no legal license to operate.


Unique Finance in on IOSCO Investment Alert List
Unique Finance in on IOSCO Investment Alert List

Is Unique Finance licensed to operate in Iran? According to the fraudsters, yes… but not in reality!!!

In Iran, the police of space of exchange and production information, as well as the Committee for Supervision of the Activities of Marketing Companies, have introduced an organization called Unique Finance as a pyramid scheme, declaring the activity in this pyramid illegal and criminalizing the affiliated branches of Unique Finance. According to the General Assembly of the Supreme Court, which consists of high-ranking judges of Iran, membership in a pyramid company without a license, independent of the company’s legal personality, is considered an independent crime, and the recipient is responsible for the people. Also, the FATA police in Iran, by launching an SMS system in response to inquiries about Unique Finance, introduce this organization as a pyramid and illegal conspiracy. Moreover, the license of companies licensed to operate in Iran is published on the official website of the Committee for Monitoring the Performance of Network Marketing Companies, and no trace of the license of Unique Finance is found in Iran.

Is Unique Finance listed on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange? According to the fraudsters, yes… but not in reality!!!

Unique finance fraudsters have resorted to big lies to further their deceptive goals. Unfortunately, due to the ignorance of their audience, they have been able to deceive many people with this big lie. The big lie of communication, cooperation, and activity in the Nasdaq stock market and several other global stock markets !!! The official account of the Nasdaq Exchange and the representative of the Nasdaq Exchange in Dubai to this claim of the fraudsters is clear: the Nasdaq Exchange has nothing to do with Unique Finance. Unique Finance is not a member of the Nasdaq Stock Exchange!!

Does Unique Finance have an automated trading system called the Auto Trading System (ATS)?
According to the fraudsters, yes… but not in reality!

There is no guarantee that a robot in the stock market can give you a steady profit every day! The reason is the fluctuations of the stock market. It is not possible to buy a stock at this moment and sell it a few seconds later and make a profit! The reason is brokerage fees for trading in the stock market. If you do this and buy and sell a stock at the moment, you will undoubtedly lose because you have to pay a percentage as brokerage fee and services of the stock exchange organization. Considering the price fluctuations of large companies like Apple, we conclude that it is very difficult if we do not want to say almost impossible, to capture these fluctuations not only in seconds but also in minutes. Stock exchange funds have special rules approved and supervised by the stock exchange organization, but no law obliges them to keep the investment amount for two years! The more critical issue is how Unique Finance pays the transaction fees?! While it has no relation to the trading core of the Nasdaq Stock Exchange.
A unique pyramid scheme is an example of a fake stock slip and a fake insurance policy.

fake shares certificate from Unique Finance
fake shares certificate from Unique Finance

In this form, the fake shares of the fraudsters of Unique Finance declare that the holder of this form is a shareholder of Caterpillar worth the equivalent of 1000 US dollars. Unique Finance fraudsters claimed to buy and sell other shares that belonged to Apple, Netflix, Benz, BMW, Facebook, etc. In any country, to invest in the stock market, the exact and relatively complex steps of authentication and approval of bank accounts must be done by the supervisory body, and there are special conditions for foreign investors. Naturally, investing in US financial markets under the auspices of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and the Treasury Department is challenging and impossible for citizens of US-sanctioned countries, but Unique Finance fraudsters tricked their audiences with Goebbels lies, and they sold (nothing) to them for a living!

Is the initial capital insured by Unique Finance? According to the fraudsters, yes… but not in reality!

To deceive their audiences, Unique Finance fraudsters claim that an American insurance company called GPM insures the initial capital of its members. In contrast, this ridiculous claim does not conform to the simplest principles and rules of the capital market. The essence of the capital market is in the fluctuation of prices, and capital market observers always emphasize that individuals should conduct their transactions by managing capital and accepting the risks specific to this market. Another point is that GPM’s inquiries from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and inquiries into the Delaware Company Registration System, like other inquiries about Unique Finance, are met with a negative response.

Fake GPM insurance
Fake GPM insurance

Are the people of developed countries members of Unique Finance? According to the fraudsters, yes… but not in reality!

Assuming all the fraudsters’ claims are valid, we should expect Unique Finance to be world-renowned, with tens of millions of members in developed countries. This forecast is not an exaggeration because in Europe and the United States, bank interest rates are very low, in the range of 3%. Thus, the financial group, which claims to pay a definite dividend of 72% per annum, and the amount of the initial capital is insured, even in the event of a possible fall in the value of the stock, and is safe from any fluctuations in the capital market. It should be welcomed by millions of European, American, and Asian citizens in developed countries, but such an expectation is absurd and unrealistic. Just look at the analytics statistics of the Unique Finance site in Alexa and Google Trend to realize that fraudsters target the people of poor and crisis-stricken countries and are generally involved in staggering inflation and turbulent living and economic conditions. Loot these countries such as Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, etc.


Unique Finance search results on Google Trend
Unique Finance search results on Google Trend

Is Unique Finance the same as Unique Finanz AG? According to the fraudsters, yes… but not in reality!!!

Fraudsters claim that Unique Finance and Unique Finanz AG are one entity but with two different names!!! This claim is so ridiculous that it is enough to search for both words on the website of Zefix, the website of the official company of Switzerland. After searching, we conclude that these two names have nothing to do with each other. Unique Finanz AG, managed by Robert Weisser, has no affiliation with the alleged fraudster organization. Mr. Robert Weiser told Trust Pilot that his company has nothing to do with Unique Finance. Part of the company information explicitly stated that the company has no other name. The company operates in clean fuel and energy and has nothing to do with the fraudsters’ claims of trading in the stock market.


Information of Unique Finanz AG Company
Information of Unique Finanz AG Company

Does the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approve Unique Finance?

According to the fraudsters, yes… but not in reality!!! The US Securities and Exchange Commission constantly warns audiences about the fraudulent methods of the Ponzi and Pyramid schemes. It warns that projects that promise high risk-free profits, unapproved economic activities, over-uniform returns, and complex and covert strategies…are suspected of Ponzi conspiracy, and investors should refrain from investing in such schemes.


Finally, after the extensive efforts of the victims and the country’s police apparatus, on 1400/9/16, “Mohsen Derakhshanfar”, one of the leaders of the Panzi conspiracy network of Unique Finance, was sentenced to be imprisoned for 20 years in prison and distrained his all asset. The other main branches of this fraud network are fleeing Iran. Nima Tabarifard, one of the fraudsters of the Ponzi conspiracies of Uniforms and Quintet, who also has a criminal and prison record, plays a pivotal role in Unique Finance. He manages one of the unique financing advertising channels. Nima Tabarifard has now fled to Turkey. Mojtaba Goran Jalali, nicknamed Cyrus Gran, is another Ferrari branch of Unique Finance, which manages another advertising channel. Many Iranians abroad who have been attracted to Unique Finance are considered its affiliates, and in fact through the identification code. They are registered in Unique Finance. “Farzin Fardin Fard” is a crucial agent and founder of Unique Finance, who currently resides in the UAE and Dubai and manages the music company 3fmusic.

Pictures of some of the leaders of the Unique Finance fraudulent network
Pictures of some of the leaders of the Unique Finance fraudulent network

Farzin Fardin Fard’s luxury life in Dubai

Farzin Fardin Fard has built his luxury life in Dubai due to the huge income he gathered from fraud, and now he is busy spending money on the property of the victim of fraud. In the video below, the auction ceremony of the single-digit number 9 in Dubai is held, and the winner of this auction is no one except Farzin Fardin Fard!. The AA9 license plate purchased by Farzin Friedenfard at the 100 Million Meals ceremony is the second most expensive license plate globally. Source

Dubai AA9 license
Dubai AA9 license
Auction license plate No. 9 in Dubai for $ 10 million! Winner Farzin Fardin Fard!

How fraudster take advantage of media by buying NFT’s

Farzin Fardin Fard is building a new identity for himself today. With the purchase of NFT, this fraudster encourages major technology news agencies to introduce his name and his company as an active and interested person in the blockchain field and introduce themselves from the margins of Unique Finance scams.
Farzin Fardinfard has bought 442 NFTs under the name 3fmusic – (Source Archive) – some of which have made headlines. Some NFTs purchased by Farzin Fardin Fard are:
buying New York Times NFT for $ 560,000 – the source is New York Times

New York Times NFT
New York Times NFT

buying the video of Disaster Girl NFT for $ 500,000. Source

Disaster Girl NFT
Disaster Girl NFT

buying the video of Charlie Bit My Finger NFT for $ 760,000. Source

Charlie Bit My Finger NFT
Charlie Bit My Finger NFT

purchasing NFT the video of “Coffin Dance” – Coffin Dance for $ 1 million. Source

Coffin Dance NFT
Coffin Dance NFT

And thousands of news and tweets and articles from the media and people who are excited about this spending of the NFT world but do not know where this money came from!

Farzin Fardin Fard is known today as the owner of a sound company in Dubai and has created a new identity in the media, and no one knows what his main job is and how he has swindled this money from people. Source

Unique Finance court case in Iran.

The Iranian police have repeatedly announced that they are fighting the fraudsters of Unique Finance in Iran, and now the company’s case is on the judge’s desk, where the name of Farzin Fardin Fard can be clearly seen.

Also, a database of site users in the group of victims of frauds was published, in which the name of Farzin Fardin Fard can be seen in the top of the list of first users.

part of Unique Finance database leaked
part of Unique Finance database leaked
Abolqasem Salavati The judge of the Unique Finance case
Abolqasem Salavati The judge of the Unique Finance case

On December 7, 2021, the sentences of some of the detainees of this company in Iran were announced: Source
Judiciary Spokesman Zabihullah Khodaeian, in a press conference, announced the votes issued for the defendants of the Pyramid Unique Finance Company as follows:
Mohsen Derakhshanfar is to be imprisoned for 20 years and a fine.
Majid Faridi is to be detained for 5 years.
Mustafa Almasi is to be detained for 5 years.
Activities and networking in a pyramid scheme have no end other than imprisonment, fines, and loss of life and youth behind bars. Is Mohsen Derakhshan sentenced to 20 years in prison and fined is set a lesson for unique network leaders? The next demand of the victims from the judiciary is the extradition and trial of Farzin Fardin Fard; Nima Tabari Fard and Mojtaba Goran Jalali are fleeing the country.

Iran National Television and the news of the arrest of some of the leaders of the Ponzi conspiracy network of Unique Finance.

Today, the spread of the unique finance fraud network is not only on the borders of Iran but has also infected other countries.

  • Unique Finance scam alert in Cameroon – Source
  • The Washington-based Arab al-Hurra news agency warned of widespread fraudulent activity by Unique Finance in Iraq. Unique Finance .. “Iraq’s biggest scam” and victims of “bloodshed” threat – Source
  • Police warn in Uzbekistan and detain a group of unique finance activists – the founders of the financial pyramid in Kashkadria were convicted. They were able to attract 13.7 billion citizens. Source
  • Uzbek media warn about Unique Finance activity – Source 1Source 2

It is estimated that this network has exported more than 5 billion dollars from Iran, and the group of losers of this fraudulent network in Telegram includes 3,000 members (link). The losers are hoping to implement the law and the trial of the fraudster Farzin Fardin Fard, the main branch and operator of the Unique Finance fraud network.

Farzin Fardin Fard in Unique Finance office
Farzin Fardin Fard in Unique Finance office.
Farzin Fardin Fard in Unique Finance office.

It seems that Farzin FardinFard has launched a new page on Instagram.


Short link : webamooz.com/en/?p=24308

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  1. Jarjandi is a very knowledgeable man, and he is especially aware of the conditions inside the country, and in this way, he has provided significant assistance to the people of Iran, not financially, but scientifically, of course, in most cases, in my opinion, cultural assistance.

  2. Mr. Jarjandi, thank you for the important content you post on this site and for informing us. I know many people who fell into Farzin Fardin scam.

  3. Why, even though the names of 8 fraudsters of Unique Finance Company have been announced to Interpol (from iran police) and they are in dubai and turkye according to the following names,
    1_ Farzin Fardin Fard
    2_ Nima Tabari Fard,
    3_ Hossein Salari Moghadam,
    4_ seyed mojtaba Gooran Jalalee
    5- Vahid Ebrahimi
    6_ Alireza Mahdiun,
    7_ Navid Divan (Mohammed Pourrangi)
    8_ Amir Mohammad Shabani
    but these people have not been added to Interpol’s Red Notice list yet?

  4. و این هم یک خلاصه از کلاه برداری شرکت


    Unfortunately, Unique Finance Company, which operates in Dubai under the management of Farzin Fardin Fard, has taken several billion dollars of people’s money under the name of investment over the past two years.
    And the only thing this company did for the people was to open an account on “www.gpm.ltd” and show the amount of money invested by that person and the amount of profit that was given to that person.
    It was supposed that the interest accrued to each account could be withdrawn by that person every month, but for various reasons, they did not pay the interest on the accounts every month, and this matter lasted for a year, and after a year, they announced that Unique Finance Company could not to pay the interest of the accounts, and those who want to declare the principal of their capital in their user account so that we will return the principal of the capital to them.
    But unfortunately, more than a year has passed and the company has not given the original funds to the people, and more than two years have passed since the fraud of Unique Finance Company, which is managed by Farzin Fardin Fard, who lives in Dubai.
    Because of the problems that this person and this company have created for people, many people have gone bankrupt and many have committed suicide, and in Iran, more than 20,000 people have complained to the officials of this company, and even  have reported to Interpol
    Farzin Fardin Fard has established a company called 3f music in Dubai and wants to create a new identity for himself.
    In addition, some of the accomplices of Farzin Fardin Fard are :
    1_ Farzin Fardinfard
    2_ Nima Tabarifard,
    3_ Hossein Salari Moghadam,
    4_ seyed mojtaba Gooran Jalalee
    5- Vahid Ebrahimi
    6_ Alireza Mahdiun,
    7_ Navid Divan (Mohammed Pourrangi)
    8_ Amir Mohammad Shabani

    “””Thanks for your help”””

  5. The biggest problem here is that Dubai has become the biggest home of internet fraudsters

  6. Mr. Fraudster, this news and the activity of this page will never be deleted.

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