
Bytescare: Silencing Journalists with Fake DMCA Claims


In the digital age, the fight for truth and transparency has never been more crucial. Independent journalists and activists are constantly under threat from those who seek to silence them. While the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) was designed to protect intellectual property, it is increasingly being abused as a weapon against free speech. One company, Bytescare.com, is at the forefront of this abuse, aiding known fraudsters like Farzin Fardin Fard in using fake DMCA claims to suppress critical voices.

Bytescare.com’s Role in Suppressing Independent Voices

Bytescare.com markets itself as an anti-piracy service provider, claiming to protect its clients’ intellectual property rights. However, new evidence suggests that the company is complicit in helping criminals and fraudsters misuse the DMCA to stifle independent journalism and activism. By filing baseless DMCA claims without any substantial evidence, Bytescare.com is facilitating a form of digital censorship that poses a grave threat to free speech.

Supporting Fraudsters with Fake Claims

A prime example of Bytescare.com’s unethical practices is their support of Farzin Fardin Fard, a well-known fraudster involved in the Unique Finance pyramid scheme. Farzin Fardin Fard has been actively using DMCA takedown notices to silence any content that exposes his fraudulent activities. With the help of Bytescare.com, he has successfully targeted independent media platforms, including Webamooz.com, which has been documenting his criminal activities for years.

In our detailed report, “Farzin Fardin Fard who has 3fmusic identity is unique finance fraudster, not a crypto activist!”, we highlighted how Farzin Fardin Fard has been involved in various fraudulent schemes across the Middle East. Despite this documented history, Bytescare.com continues to support his efforts to shut down any media coverage of his activities.

Furthermore, our recent article, “Webamooz.com’s Stand Against False DMCA Claims”, exposes how Farzin Fardin Fard and other similar entities abuse the DMCA process with the assistance of companies like Bytescare. This article provides a comprehensive look at how these false claims have been used to disrupt and censor investigative journalism.

Timeline of Attacks and Attempts to Silence Webamooz

  1. November 8, 2023: Webamooz experienced its first encounter with Bytescare, who filed a complaint with Telegram regarding the Webamooz channel and group. Despite no clear evidence being provided, our platforms were temporarily suspended.
Bytescare false DMCA report to Telegram
  1. November 9, 2023: We reached out to Bytescare to request detailed information about their claims, but received no response. After explaining the situation to Telegram, our channels were eventually restored. Bytescare never provided any further clarification or evidence to support their claims.
Contact Bytescare Abuse Team to provide details but no answer!
  1. November 23, 2023: After all suspensions were lifted, we sent a formal email to Bytescare, demanding them to stop aiding Farzin Fardin Fard in abusing the DMCA process to silence journalists and suppress information. We warned them that their continued actions would result in us publicly exposing their unethical practices.
Contact Bytescare to express our concerns about their activities!
  1. September 19, 2024: Despite our warnings, Bytescare once again began filing fake DMCA claims against Webamooz on Telegram, YouTube, and Instagram. This repeated behavior pushed us to write this article to warn the public about Bytescare’s activities, which not only support criminals but also abuse legal processes to silence independent journalists.

Beyond Fake DMCA Claims: DDoS Attacks on Webamooz

Farzin Fardin Fard’s attacks on Webamooz are not limited to false DMCA claims. Over the past two years, Webamooz has faced ongoing Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. A DDoS attack involves overwhelming a website with massive amounts of traffic from multiple sources, making it inaccessible to users. These attacks are part of a larger effort to silence Webamooz and prevent us from exposing the truth about his fraudulent activities. Despite these relentless efforts, Webamooz remains committed to fighting against these malicious attacks and continuing to inform the public.

Webamooz.com is experiencing a heavy DDoS attack!

Aiding in Digital Censorship

The misuse of the DMCA by companies like Bytescare.com not only harms independent journalists and activists but also undermines the integrity of platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and other social media. It allows criminals and corrupt entities to weaponize copyright law against those who are simply trying to raise awareness and protect the public.

Evidence from Other Media Outlets

The fraudulent activities of Farzin Fardin Fard are well-known and have been covered by other reputable sources. For instance, the Farheekhtegan Newspaper published an in-depth report detailing Farzin Fardin Fard’s role in the Unique Finance pyramid scheme and his attempts to rebrand himself as a legitimate business figure. Despite these well-documented reports, Bytescare.com continues to assist Farzin Fardin Fard in his attempts to erase his criminal past from the internet.

Warning the Public

It is crucial for individuals, media outlets, and social media platforms to be aware of Bytescare.com’s practices. Their involvement in assisting known fraudsters to suppress critical content should serve as a warning to anyone who values transparency and free speech. Platforms like Webamooz.com, which have faced numerous false DMCA claims and DDoS attacks, stand as examples of the kind of voices Bytescare.com is trying to silence.


The actions of Bytescare.com are not just unethical but dangerous. By supporting fraudulent activities through false DMCA claims and enabling DDoS attacks, they are actively contributing to the suppression of truth and the persecution of those who seek to expose wrongdoing. It is imperative that people recognize the role companies like Bytescare.com play in this digital censorship and take a stand against it. Independent voices are essential to a functioning society, and we must protect them from being silenced by those who fear the truth.

Google reviews show that Webamooz is not alone—many others report Bytescare targeting genuine channels with fake copyright strikes. This pattern highlights widespread abuse of the DMCA process, threatening freedom of speech for many creators.

Bytescare google reviews!

Call to Action

If you are an independent journalist, activist, or content creator, be vigilant against such companies. Do your research, document any suspicious activities, and stand firm in your fight against digital censorship. The misuse of the DMCA and DDoS attacks must be exposed and stopped, and it starts with holding companies like Bytescare.com accountable for their role in this growing issue.

Short link : webamooz.com/en/?p=24822

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